Sarah Smith-Tripp

PhD Student in Integrated Remote Sensing Studio.


I am an interdisciplinary ecosystem scientist interested in risk and resilience research. My PhD uses remote-sensing techniques, including satellite imagery and lidar (light detection and ranging) to model forest recovery (or lack of recovery) after large and high severity wildfire. I am to provide forest managers with accessible and accurate tools so they can take proactive steps to protect people and forests. Starting in 2025, I am seeking a private or government position working in policy development and scenario forecasting.

I am enthusiastic about science communication and am always looking for ways to engage the population. Please reach out if you are interested in a talk or research demonstration on drones, satellites, or forest science. I am also proficient in numerous statistical approaches and am always happy for #StatzChatz


Apr 1, 2023 I won the forestry 3MT for my talk titled “When a fire burns half a million hectares – how do we know what’s rising from the ashes?.” Check out the link and let me know your thoughts!

selected publications

  1. Landsat assessment of variable spectral recovery linked to post-fire forest structure in dry sub-boreal forests
    Smith-Tripp, Sarah M., Coops, Nicholas C., Mulverhill, Christopher, White, Joanne C., and Axelson, Jodi
    ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Feb 2024